Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy Birthday to you, you live in a zoo ...

I know.  I know.  He turned 1 almost 2 months ago.  What can I say.  Life was in a phase of "one step forward and two steps back" when Luke turned one.  Lucky for us, one-year-olds are easy to please, and our older kids were happy because they got to eat cake and sing "Happy Birthday to you.  You live in a zoo ..." as many times as they wanted since Luke didn't protest.  Just wait kids.  Luke is going to run the show before we know it ... or maybe he already is.

Well, here is what a birthday looks like with no planning :)

A blue candle that was used when Colin turned 1.

A piece of cake from the local Co-op because I didn't have time to make one.

Handmade cards from his siblings and cousins.  

A happy boy, surrounded by love.


  1. Claire, I can't believe he is already one! You have such a beautiful family.


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